I had taken a few puffs off a vaporizer and seen faint whispers of purple vapor exhaled under a light. I was laying back on the couch, enjoying the mildly altered perceptual state and peacefulness of things, when I became aware of a disturbance outside.

A lady had been locked out of her house. By the sounds of it a police officer had been summoned to help her, but had stopped short of her, and she was now shouting, "no this house, it's a little further. I'm down here officer."

He replied to her to hold on for a minute, as I heard footsteps up to and a firm knock on my screen door.

I instinctively got up, knowing both that I was not obviously intoxicated, and that doing otherwise would raise suspicion.

The brief moment of anxiety was cut through when he gestured toward my car's open trunk, and asked why it was open and what was wrong.

I thanked and assured him there was no problem. I just have ADHD, and had grabbed a tool from my car without remembering to close it.

The thing about a low dose of salvia is it doesn't have obvious effects, it doesn't cause apparent intoxication. And in this case, obviously I wasn't going to tell the officer, and he thought nothing of it.

He was there first and foremost to help the lady. And I could sense that. But along the way he was also concerned with someone leaving their car trunk open. Had they fallen and gotten hurt and been unable to close it? Were there bodies or other foul play involved?

But once he saw that the trunk was virtually empty and I had just forgotten about it, he was finished. He told me to be more aware of things.

But he wasn't clued in on a deeper level. He wasn't thinking, oh yeah, let me grill this kid about have potentially done a half tab of acid and some salvia vapors.

And that's something that might have not been true if I had been on a higher dose and obviously intoxicated.

Sometimes things work out in weird ways, but all for the better. Cheers.




